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Education And Training

There is no formal training for fund-raising, but the job is fairly simple (although it involves hard work) and can be learned easily. Personal qualities are more important in this field than is education. One of the best ways to learn fund-raising is to volunteer for the organization and learn the techniques of the current development director. Find a mentor who will steer you through the work. As you continue, you can attend fund-raising seminars and take classes in nonprofit management. The National Society of Fundraising Executives offers continuing education and certification. In general, you should be as well informed as you can be (try reading the newspaper every day) and should be comfortable with people, especially speaking to groups of them.

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesCool Careers Without CollegeFUND-RAISER FOR NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS - Education And Training, Salary, Fund-raising Techniques, For More Information