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Education And Training

No special training is required of animal shelter employees, but helpful courses are offered through the Humane Society of the United States, the American Humane Association, and the National Animal Control Association. These organizations teach things like how to deal with a pet owner that has abused his or her pet, how and when to euthanize, and how to work with wild animals.

Practical experience is helpful when you start applying for animal shelter jobs. If there's a shelter near you, volunteer to help out after school or on the weekends. Or see if you can land a summer position, paid or unpaid. The best training for animal shelter employees is on the job, so do your best to get your foot in the door and you'll be off and running. As with most jobs in the animal world, as you gain more experience you'll have opportunities to move up the ladder into management positions. Eventually you just might find yourself running the show!

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesCool Careers Without CollegeANIMAL SHELTER EMPLOYEE - Description, Education And Training, Outlook, For More Information