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Cover Letters for Accounting, Banking, and Finance Careers

Keywords And Keywords Phrases For Accounting, Banking, And Finance Cover Letters

Your cover letter presents an excellent opportunity to show prospective employers and recruiters how the skills and accomplishments documented on your resume relate to their specific hiring needs. Each industry and profession presents unique cover letter writing and design challenges. If you are interested in pursuing an accounting, banking, or finance career, be certain to include highlights of these important success factors in your cover letters:

Success Factor #1

Be as “quantitative” as possible when listing your accomplishments. Accounting and finance professionals understand and respect numbers, so whenever possible, integrate numbers, percentages, and statistics into your cover letters to support your achievements.

Success Factor #2

Highlight your specific accounting and financial management skills and competencies as they relate directly to the targeted position. Be specific and don't assume anything. If a company is looking for a candidate with experience in X, Y, and Z (and you have that specific experience), be sure to include it prominently in your cover letter.

Success Factor #3

Demonstrate your value by emphasizing your diverse portfolio of skills. Documenting these capabilities will illustrate the breadth and depth of your experience, and help to position you favorably against other qualified candidates.

Success Factor #4

Showcase your technical skills and qualifications. What accounting, financial analysis, mortgage processing, or budgeting software do you use? This expertise is essential in today's electronic information age, and it also shows your ability to adapt and learn new things.

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesResumes, Resume Examples, Cover Letters, Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter & Resume Help