The Goals Of A Community Garden
- Increase residents' access to fresh and nutritious fruits and vegetables
- Decrease families' grocery bills
- Beautify the neighborhood and create a safe, communal gathering place
- Foster youth and community leadership and organizational skills
- Foster entrepreneurial skills and forge business-community ties by marketing and selling surplus produce
- Provide young people who are interested in agricultural or horticultural careers with valuable work experience
- Provide young people with a positive, productive, after-school activity
- Build strong community ties and increase social interaction and civic participation
- Encourage neighborhood self-reliance
- Increase self-esteem, self-confidence, and education of young people
- Promote healthier communities
Additional topics
Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesCool Careers Without CollegeURBAN GARDENER - Description, The Goals Of A Community Garden, Bearing Fruit, The Greening Of North America