2 minute read


For More Information


National Restaurant Association (NRA)
1200 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 331-5900
Web site: http://www.restaurant.org
The NRA is the leading professional organization for the restaurant industry. The association also has an education foundation.


Hospitality News
This Web site has archived articles on aspects of the service industry.

Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2002–03 Edition
This Web site, published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, contains detailed information on hundreds of occupations.

On the Rail
A resource for restaurant and food service workers, with job lists from deli help to chefs.

So You Wanna.com
A breezy look at the pros and cons of being a waiter or waitress.

Waiter Digest
A site with information on food and wine, as well as some waiter/waitress humor.

Waiters and Waitresses
Offers a video in RealPlayer format.


Cannon, Howard. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Starting Your Own Restaurant. New York: Alpha Books, 2002.

This book includes a chapter on what owners are looking for in employees.

Casado, Matt A. Food and Beverage Service Manual. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1994.

This is a great reference guide for anyone who needs help keeping the big picture of serving patrons in focus. Includes many informative drawings and diagrams.

Dahmer, Sondra, and Kurt W. Kahl. Restaurant Service Basics. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2002.

A basic manual for servers. In addition to the basics, the book describes service in all types of dining establishments, using computers on the job, and dealing with emergency situations.

Devoss, Lishka. How to Be a Professional Waiter (Or Waitress): Everything You Need to Know to Get the Right Job, Make Good Money, and Stay Sane. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995.

A comprehensive guide with no-nonsense, practical advice on how to make a living as a waiter or a waitress.

Kirkham, Mike, Bill Crawford, and Peggy Weiss. The Waiting Game: The Ultimate Guide to Waiting Tables. Austin, TX: Twenty Per Cent LLC, 2000.

As the authors of this book say, “Before you can win you have to know how to play the game,” and they do a good job of giving readers as much information as possible in an entertaining and attention-holding format. This book is even endorsed by First Lady Laura Bush.

Lewis, Leslie. How to Make Megabucks Waiting Tables. New York: Bookmark Publishing Corp, 1997.

Lots of tricks of the trade that might take years to learn on your own.

Additional topics

Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesCool Careers Without CollegeWAITER OR WAITRESS - Salary, Outlook, For More Information - Education and Training