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Weavers, like most craftspeople who are self-employed, do not have a standard of salary. The Crafts Report’s 1999 Insight Survey indicates that fiber artists earned an average of $14,492 a year. However, there are some weavers who command hundreds or thousands of dollars for their work.

Advice from Jessica Speer, Weaver

“Designing takes an artistic person who knows the possibilities and limitations of the medium. And the business requires all the usual business skills and a marketing genius,” says Speer. “I like designing and often have several things in mind while I have one on the loom. I least like, but do not dislike, just throwing the shuttle, with no more design work, which is why I'm moving to more figurative designs. Marketing is the most difficult part of the business, and the area I would love to hand off to someone else.”

Speer offers these words of caution to people who expect to make a lot of money by weaving. “If you want to make a living doing this,” she says, “you may very well be disappointed. If you really want to weave for sale, production work might be for you. If you can offer a wholesale line of many very similar pieces, you may have a market with upscale retailers. Small things that may be gifts sell better, but don't bring in the net profit that bigger things do.”

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesCool Careers Without CollegeWEAVER - Description, Education And Training, Profile, Salary, Advice From Jessica Speer, Weaver, Outlook