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Physicians and Medicine in the Twenty-first Century

Admission To Medical School

The AAMC's Council on General Professional Education of the Physician (GPEP), after a three-year study involving leading medical educators issued a report whose recommendations are believed to be of such import, that they could impact very significantly on the training of physicians for practice in the twenty-first century. The GPEP recommendations are relevant to both premedical and medical students. For those planning a medical career, the following recommendations are of special interest:

  1. College faculties should require that the education of all students encompass broad study in the natural and social sciences and in humanities.
  2. Medical schools should require only essential courses for admission; these should be part of the core curriculum that all college students must take.
  3. Medical school admissions committees' practice of recommending additional courses beyond those required for admission should cease.
  4. Medical schools should modify their admissions requirements, so that college students who apply and have successfully pursued a wide range of study may be viewed as highly as the students who have concentrated in the sciences.
  5. Medical schools should devote more attention to selecting students who have the values and attitudes that are essential for members of a caring profession, who have critical analytical abilities, and who have the ability to learn independently.

Along with these recommendations, admissions criteria will be developed that are focused at increasing the proportion of students likely to enter primary care fields. Therefore, some priority will likely be given to women and married applicants and those from public colleges and rural backgrounds, as well as applicants with impressive evidence of community service.

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesGuide to Medical & Dental SchoolsPhysicians and Medicine in the Twenty-first Century - The Challenge, Premedical Education, Admission To Medical School, Medical School Education, Medical Students