1 minute read

Lunch Interviews, Dinners, and Retreats


Generally, do not drink unless you are encouraged to. Never drink during lunch interviews, even if others are drinking. Order a drink (or two, depending on what your limit it) during firm retreats or receptions, but drink in moderation. You have probably heard about “Aquagirl"—a student who got so drunk at a firm event that she took off her clothes, handed them to a partner, and jumped into the Hudson river. She had to be fished out of the river by the Coast Guard while the firm's partners, associates, clients, and summer associates watched. In another recent scandal, two female summer associates were fired after getting drunk and making out with each other at a firm event.

Although your interviewers may be trying to drink each other under the table, do not follow in their footsteps. Likewise, do not enroll in shot drinking competitions at these events. Your interviewers already have jobs and do not care about getting drunk, passing out under the table, or making fools out of themselves. But when they sober up, they will remember what you did. Trust us, you do not want to be known as “that guy/gal who did all those shots” at the firm event. If you must drink, drink wine rather than hard liquor, and never drink more than two glasses.

Finally, do not drink on an empty stomach. By the time you are invited to have a drink, you have likely spent most of the day in interviews and not eaten much. Eat something before you drink. The last thing you want is to get drunk or tired before the evening even begins. Pay no attention to your interviewers’ drinking habits. They already have jobs, and likely several years of practice in a profession known for substance abuse. You are not yet in the same league, so take it easy.

Chase got so hammered during a dinner interview that he started hitting on the hiring partner's wife. He told her she was a hottie and asked for her phone number. He then threw up all over the hiring partner. Finally, Chase passed out in the partner's wife's lap. Of course, there was no chance he would receive an offer after that. Even worse, this incident followed him around for many years afterward.

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesLaw Job InterviewsLunch Interviews, Dinners, and Retreats - Act Professional, Never Let Your Guard Down, What To Order?, Table Manners, Basic Etiquette