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Questions to Ask During Interviews

Correct Answer #3: “no, Because You Already Answered Them”

If your interview has indeed been informative, feel free to tell your interviewer that he or she answered all your questions. However, only say this if this is true—f all the interviewer did was grill you for 18 minutes about your credentials, this answer will come off as a disingenuous attempt to avoid asking questions. That said, many of the attorneys we interviewed for this book suggested this as a great answer. So, by popular demand, here it is: “I may have some questions at a later time, but I do not have any questions now. You told me so much about the firm that you already answered all of my questions. After our conversation, I am convinced that your firm is a great place to work.” This spoonful of flattery, along with a tad bit of thoughtfulness, may be just enough to secure an offer!

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesLaw Job InterviewsQuestions to Ask During Interviews - Correct Answer #1: “i Have Several Questions”, Correct Answer #2: “no, Because I Did My Homework”