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Simple Truths About Tough Interview Questions

Tips From The Pros

All interviews will come with easy, comfortable questions and those that are a little more difficult (sometimes a lot more difficult) to answer. This is why it is so important to write out your answers to both easy and difficult questions. Writing down your answers forces you to think through the words you want to use and the thoughts you wish to convey. The more practice you have reading and saying your answers out loud the more comfortable you will be during the interview. Practicing your answers for the easy and difficult questions will be your biggest asset in succeeding in any interview. It's not only what you are saying but how confident and prepared you are for the answers. Preparation is the key!

Kris Plantrich, CPRW, CEIP

ResumeWonders Writing and Career Coaching Services

Job interviews often generate anxiety brought on by personal doubts concerning any weaknesses or limitations that you may perceive, based [on] your credentials or background. Experienced job candidates will have established a prominent and well-substantiated employment record, but they still benefit from some interviewing practice and careful research of a company's history. Planning a solid interview strategy and doing thorough research will prepare you to handle even the most stressful questions. Exhibit confidence with strong voice projection; use your best English grammar; and smile and speak slowly while making eye contact with your interviewer(s). Take comfort in the fact that interviewers are trained company representatives who want you to succeed. You would not have been invited for an interview if they had doubts about your qualifications and your ability to meet their standards for the position.

Edward Turilli

AccuWriter Resume Service

Explaining why you've been fired can be one of the toughest interview questions you can face. Take heart: Lee Iaccoa was fired from Ford and made Chrysler one of the strongest auto manufacturing companies in the world. Stay focused on how you can solve the employer's problem. Explain the situation without bad-mouthing your former employer.

Makini Theresa Harvey, CPRW, JCTC, CEIP, CCM

Career Abundance

Always be honest when answering the harder questions and try to put a positive spin on unfavorable circumstances. Tell the interviewer what you learned from the experience, how you corrected the problem or mistake, and what you learned from having to correct the problem. Even the big issues like being fired will have something positive that came from it; you just have to identify, if you haven't already, what that was.

Kris Plantrich, CPRW, CEIP

ResumeWonders Writing and Career Coaching Services

No-Nonsense Job Interviews © 2009 , Career Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesJob Search, Job Interview Questions, & Job Interview TipsSimple Truths About Tough Interview Questions - The 10 Tough Questions You Need To Be Ready To Answer, Tips From The Pros