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Resumes for Teaching and Education Careers

Keywords And Keywords Phrases For Teaching And Education Resumes

Each and every industry and profession presents unique resume writing and design challenges. If you are interested in pursuing a career in teaching and education, be certain to incorporate these important success factors:

Success Factor #1

List your credentials/certifications prominently, possibly right after your contact information. Principals and administrators want to see right away what subject areas or grade levels you are qualified to teach and/or administer.

Success Factor #2

Mention the classes you have taught, including grade levels and subjects. Include any information about special lesson plans or field trips related to a particular subject area to illustrate your ingenuity and creativity in bringing the subject matter alive for your students.

Success Factor #3

Highlight any committees you have been a member of or student activities for which you have served as an advisor (for example, Science Curriculum Committee; Olympics of the Mind Advisor).

Success Factor #4

Include travel or other enriching activities that provide you with added perspective in the classroom. A social studies teacher who has spent extensive time exploring Europe or Native American cultures in the Southwest can be a much more fascinating candidate than someone who hasn't had similar experiences.

Additional topics

Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesResumes, Resume Examples, Cover Letters, Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter & Resume Help