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Education And Training

Auctioneers don't need college degrees, but they do need to attend a training school. At this school, they will learn bid-calling, marketing, and advertising, and will get a chance to conduct an auction. These courses last for a few weeks or for a semester. After graduating from the training school, many auctioneers become apprentices, where they help in running an auction business.

Some states require that auctioneers be licensed. The requirements may be met by attending a training school or by working as an apprentice. The candidates for licensing may also be screened to determine if they are of good moral character.

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesCool Careers Without CollegeAUCTIONEER - Education And Training, Outlook, A Short List Of Auction Terms, For More Information - Salary