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Fun Facts

From the National Christmas Tree Association

  • There are approximately 35 million real Christmas trees sold in North America every year.
  • An estimated 175,000 real Christmas trees are sold via the Internet or catalog and shipped. For every real Christmas tree harvested, up to three seedlings are planted in its place the following spring.
  • There are about one million acres in production for growing Christmas trees. Each acre provides the daily oxygen requirements for eighteen people. Trees also act as natural air filters, removing up to thirteen tons of airborne pollutants per acre per year.
  • There are about 15,000 Christmas tree growers in North America, and over 100,000 people are employed full- or part-time in the industry. Christmas trees are grown in all fifty states.
  • Christmas trees are grown in all fifty states, but the top Christmas tree producing states are Oregon, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Washington.
  • The top selling Christmas trees are balsam fir, Douglas fir, Fraser fir, Scotch pine, Virginia pine, and white pine.
  • It can take as long as fifteen years to grow a tree of suitable height for selling (about six feet), but the average growing time is seven years.

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