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Education And Training

It is possible to enroll in classes in community colleges and trade schools to learn jewelry making and repair. These classes are good places to learn about different precious metals and gemstones and the different techniques that are used to create jewelry.

Apprenticeships and on-the-job training are also useful if you want to pursue a career in this field. These options would give you hands-on training. After two years as an apprentice, you would be required to take a test before you can become a jeweler. Questions on the test cover subjects like gemstone identification, casting a mold, and engraving.

While you are considering this career, you might want to consider taking an art or industrial arts class. Art classes will help you decide if jewelry design is something that you're interested in. Industrial arts classes will give you experience working with machines. Jewelers work with many different machines, most of them requiring a lot of hand-eye coordination and good eyesight.

You might even want to consider getting a part-time job in a jewelry store to see how you like it. Even though you wouldn't be crafting pieces of jewelry, you'll still get a feel for the atmosphere of a jewelry store and be able to decide if this is a career you want to begin.

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