Other Options
There are other occupations you may be interested in that are very similar to tool and die making and that require the same skills. Machinists work with machines to produce metal parts used in various products. Much like tool and die makers, they work primarily with machines to build a finished product.
A welder is a person who makes his or her living welding metal. Welding is the act of joining pieces of metal together using heat. Welders are needed in many industries. In the construction industry, welders may weld beams or pipes together. They may also weld parts together when a bridge is built.
Additional topics
Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesCool Careers Without CollegeTOOL AND DIE MAKER - Job Duties, Did You Know?, Education And Training, Pros And Cons, Other Options - Salary, VIDEOS