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Other Options

If you're interested in becoming an auto mechanic, you may want to consider other similar professions. If your interest in mechanics isn't strictly limited to automobiles, why don't you look into a career as a motorcycle, boat, aircraft, or small-engine mechanic? Or maybe your interest lies only with a career working with cars. If that is the case, you may want to look into a career as an automotive body repairer or a repair service estimator.

Automotive body repairers are responsible for fixing any dents or problems with the outside of a car. They are the people who make the exterior of a car look like new after an accident. A repair service estimator checks an automobile and determines the need for repairs then estimates the cost of repairs.

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesCool Careers Without CollegeAUTO MECHANIC - Job Duties, Education And Training, Pros And Cons, Other Options, For More Information - Salary