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On-Campus Interviews

Try To Stand Out, Interview Structure, Protocol

During a somewhat dry on-campus interview that took place at the end of the day, a partner asked a 2L candidate what he thought about the interviewing process. The student turned the interview around with a witty answer. He pondered for a second and said, “On-campus interviewing is like speed-dating. There are many different suitors. Many are attractive. Some carry the promise of a second date, and some do not. Then, there are all these talks about needing to see other people.” The partner was very pleased with this answer, and the candidate received a callback for thinking on his feet.

This speed-dating metaphor really sums up the key features of on-campus interviewing. Similar to dating, an on-campus interview involves getting to know someone in a very short time, convincing him or her that you are an attractive candidate, and sounding interesting enough for him or her to want to see you again.

Additional topics

Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesLaw Job Interviews