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What Not to Ask

Personal Questions

Although it may seem self-evident, we are including this advice because there are many job applicants who make the mistake of asking overly personal questions. Although it may be tempting to ask your interviewer personal questions, you should resist this temptation because you never know how your interviewer may react. Some interviewers are eager to talk about their children, their married lives, or their vacations. But others may be very offended if you try to solicit such information.

A federal judge once rescinded an offer to her incoming law clerk because the clerk asked the judge if she was married. Never mind that the clerk asked this question a month before starting her clerkship, or that the question came up at an informal lunch with the judge. The judge was so taken aback by this question that she rescinded an offer on the spot.

There are a number of questions you should never ask your interviewers. These include questions about money, bonuses, parental leave, vacation policies, publicly available information, personal questions, and firm scandals. The wrong questions will tell the interviewer that you do not understand how the interviewing game works. Asking questions during an interview is one of many tests given to you by your potential employer, and you cannot flunk it. If something is really a concern, talk to your career counselors or your friends at the firm, or maybe ask the firm—but only after you get an offer.


  • • Your interviewers judge you by your questions, so choose them carefully.
  • • Prepare your questions in advance.
  • • Do not fill awkward silences with dull, unnecessary questions.
  • • Avoid questions about firm scandals, personal questions, and questions about the law.
  • • Do not ask about a firm's leave policy, compensation, or work-life balance until you receive an offer.
  • • Always try to put a positive spin on negative questions.
  • • Do not ask questions to which you should know the answers.

Nail Your Law Job Interview © 2009 , Career Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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