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What Not to Ask

“How Much Will I Make?”

Do not ask questions about salary, partners’ incomes, or bonuses. These questions are never appropriate at the interviewing stage, and they will be held against you in the evaluations. Moreover, in terms of informational value, these questions are worthless. Salary information for most firms is available online, and it may actually change before you start working.

Thanks to the popular legal blog Abovethelaw.com, there is such an abundance of salary and bonus information online that you would have to try hard not to find it. Furthermore, salary information may be available on the firm's Website or in the job description itself. Many firms mention that they pay “competitive salaries” or even list a possible salary range. Finally, most employers will state in their offer letters the salary they will pay you. If, after looking for a while you still cannot find an answer, you may discuss compensation with your potential employer. However, only do so after you receive an offer. See Chapter 29 for further discussion of this topic.

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesLaw Job InterviewsWhat Not to Ask - “how Much Will I Make?”, “what Is The Quality Of Life Here?”