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Body Language and Demeanor

Find The Right Balance Of Confidence

Although it is important to exhibit confidence during an interview, make sure your confidence is not read as arrogance. No matter how much interest you are receiving from legal employers, you still need to work hard to receive offers. A cocky demeanor and arrogant questions can alienate potential employers.

According to one recruiting coordinator, her firm screens out arrogant candidates, no matter how superb their credentials are. She recalled a story about a candidate with such an extreme sense of entitlement that he asked, “Your firm is not ranked in the Vault top 10. Why should I consider working for you?” His interviewer was so turned off by this remark that he reported it to the law school career services and advised the firm against hiring the candidate, despite his strong credentials.

On the flip side, do not exhibit a complete lack of confidence. Some interviewees are so insecure that they spend valuable interview time practically begging for an offer and pointing out their own weaknesses.

Dan's interviewers were friendly and tried to make him feel at ease during his lateral interview. Encouraged by their positive attitude, Dan let his guard down and made his insecurities known. He told them he did not get offers from the three other firms where he interviewed. He then complained about his grim prospects at his current firm. Uncomfortable with the situation, one of the interviewers tried to console Dan. Dan's reply was, “You can make it right. Give me a job. Please!” Needless to say, an offer was not in the cards.

Find the right balance of confidence. Believing in yourself can help interviewers believe in you. But being needy, insecure, cocky, or arrogant cannot inspire an offer. Exhibit the right level of confidence by being courteous, polite, and pleasant; by being a good listener; by asking follow-up questions; and by being involved in the conversation without dominating it.

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Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesLaw Job InterviewsBody Language and Demeanor - Find The Right Balance Of Confidence, Try Not To Be Nervous, Engage Your Interviewer, Tell A Story