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Resumes for Administrative and Clerical Careers

Keywords And Keywords Phrases For Administrative And Clerical Resumes

Each and every industry and profession presents unique resume writing and design challenges. If you are interested in pursuing an administrative or clerical career, be certain to incorporate these important success factors:

Success Factor #1

Focus on the contributions you have made to the overall success of your employers, for example, increasing revenues, reducing costs, upgrading technologies, managing key projects, and improving productivity and efficiency.

Success Factor #2

Highlight the vast array of skills, qualifications, competencies, and talents that you offer which, for most administrative professionals, is quite extensive due to the varied nature of the work you perform.

Success Factor #3

Demonstrate your value by emphasizing the number and types of people and organizations you have supported in each of your positions to give further “depth” to your experience. Don't forget your “customer service” skills, even if your “customers” are internal.

Success Factor #4

Showcase all your technical skills and qualifications. Be sure to include coursework or training sessions, even if they were “in-house” programs presented by your employer. Word processing, spreadsheets, accounting software, and customer databases can all be important. They are essential in today's electronic world of work!

Additional topics

Job Descriptions and Careers, Career and Job Opportunities, Career Search, and Career Choices and ProfilesResumes, Resume Examples, Cover Letters, Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter & Resume Help